How to start a movement

TedTalks videos are not everyone's glass of ale.  If you watch Derek Siver's video below, you may not want to jump up and copy the dance moves of the people dancing on the grass in their bathing suits. Come to think of it, I have Traddie Catholic and non-Traddie friends who think wearing bathing suits in public should be made illegal. Traddie friends worry about sinful immodesty in the young flaunting their flesh. Non-Traddie friends say when the old flaunt flesh they look like they need ironing. 

There is, however, a very good message at the heart of Siver's talk. The most important line being that leaders must nurture 'followers as equals'.  I think it is a key message for many Catholics who are trying to attract new people to their movements, or even who want more readers to come to their blogs. In a very ameteur and tiny way, I've tried to treat people who follow and comment on this blog as my equal.  For one post on the Corapi saga, I got the response from some people that I did not treat some commentators as equals, and then others felt that I had treated some commentators as though they were better than me! You can't win them all. 


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