'How Cameron can show more love to his party...'

I was caught by the cheeky headline ‘How Cameron can show more to his party’ to Tim Montgomerie’s article; it argues that Cameron’s weakness is his lack of bonding with die-hard Tories, and with people of a more conservative mindset who are most likely to vote Tory.
My personal opinion is that there is much in Tory policy that is enormously beneficial for Catholics, but it’s veiled because of a hypersensitive reaction to the Guardianistas who promptly sneer at any ‘favouritism’ to institutionalised religion’. But if the ‘good’ policies remain poorly communicated, and in essence ‘hidden’, they risk seeming apocryphal. Also, there’s a lot of love-ins with the ‘progressives’ but not with those of a traditional religious way of life. Hence an interesting point from Montgomerie ‘it was great that Cameron held a reception for gay Britons but where, asked Paul Goodman, is the reception for church leaders?  In a thousand ways like this Cameron should be honouring traditional as well as new supporters. No voters should be taken for granted.’


  1. The origin of the Conservative party is that they resisted the "Whig", "Liberal", or "Glorious" Revolution, when the Catholic King James was deposed and replaced by Prince William of Orange and his wife Mary. As strange as this may seem, the Tory party is more or less Catholic in origin!



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