Padre Pio as he launches hospital called; 'The House for the Relief of Suffering'

The footage contained in this video is amazing. However, an extremist sedevacantist vein runs through this video's title and the other videos that YouTube presents in the right margin. Perhaps the '10 Wise Virgins' who said that Padre Pio was surrounded by 'vultures' of Vatican II might like to read the very supportive letter that Padre Pio wrote to Paul VI.

 The text from Padre Pio's speech (as it appears on the video above) translated into English:
“Men and brothers in Christ, ‘The House for the Relief of Suffering’ is complete. I thank the benefactors who assisted from all around the world. This is the project that Divine Providence, helped by you all, created. I introduce it to you: admire it and bless it together with me and Jesus Christ Our Lord.

A seed was laid in the ground and He will warm it with His rays of love. A new defence force, made of renunciations and love, is going to rise to the glory of God and to the consolation of the sick souls and bodies.

Don’t deprive us of your help, collaborate in this apostolate for the relief of human suffering and Divine charity, that doesn’t know any limit; that is the very light of God and of eternal lifen - will accumulate for each of you a treasure of thanksgiving, which Jesus made us heirs to, under the cross.

Let’s try and do our outmost to imitate His Mother, especially in the virtue of suffering. Besides, like it or not, everyone suffers. So let’s try to make suffering become virtuous for us. If we imitate our Mother of Sorrows, Our Lady will aid us.”
Grateful thanks to Italian expert Chiara Castagna who translated Padre Pio's words into English.

More posts to follow tomorrow on 'The House for the Relief of Suffering', or if you would like to read very detailed chapters on the subject, you could get a copy of Frank Rega's book Padre Pio and America. 

The exact speech in Italian that Padre Pio gave:

"Signori e fratelli in Cristo, la “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” è al completo. Ringrazio i benefattori di ogni parte del mondo che hanno cooperato. Questa è la creatura che la Provvidenza, aiutata da voi, ha creato; ve la presento: ammiratela e benedite insieme a me il Signore Dio.

È stato deposto nella terra un seme che Egli riscalderà con i suoi raggi d’amore. Una nuova milizia fatta di rinunzie e d’amore sta per sorgere a gloria di Dio e a conforto delle anime e dei corpi infermi. Non ci private del vostro aiuto, collaborate a questo apostolato di sollievo della sofferenza umana e la carità divina che non conosce limiti e che è luce stessa di Dio e della vita eterna accumulerà per ciascuno di voi un tesoro di grazie di cui Gesù ci ha fatto eredi sotto la croce.

Cerchiamo e sforziamoci di imitare questa Madre, in modo speciale nella virtu’ del soffrire. Del resto, o vogliamo o non vogliamo, la sofferenza e’ per tutti. Quindi cerchiamo che questa diventi virtuosa per noi. Imitando la nostra Mamma Addolorata la Madonna ci assistera".


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