Let's honour the Queen of Heaven on Facebook


Here is the address for the ‘Association of the Miraculous Medal’ on Facebook. I didn’t set it up, rather I stumbled upon it when I was thinking that an association would be better than a fan site.  ‘Association’ has a more dignified and serious tone to it.

Nonetheless, we may be open ‘fans’ of Our Lady should be join it. By being fans we will be that old fashioned idea (?) of being 'an example to others'. At time of blogging, the Association has 214 members, I think us Catholics can do a lot better considering that there are one 1.086 billion of us globally. Comparing the 214 members to the one billion plus Catholics worldwide is like comparing a grain of corn to an enormous harvest. So, ‘the harvest is rich but the labourers are few’. It can sometimes feel a bit lonely when you think that Catholics, in their thousands, have joined groups about teddy bears, finding UFOs, honouring dead filmstars and rock stars and...Major Sigh....Bigger Sigh...the fallen angel.

In contrast, those who have joined The Association of the Miraculous Medal seem a very cheerful delighted-to-have-the-faith set, and truly Catholic. It will be refreshing to get their updates on my Facebook page.

If you are on Facebook, you can click the ‘Invite People To Join’ button under the Miraculous Medal picture. Your joining of the group may inspire people to wear the medal.


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