
Showing posts from June, 2011

Pharmacist asks greater accountability on ‘safe sex’ from her colleagues; “Why are we as a profession going along with the lie that postcoital contraception is not abortifacients?”

Padre Pio is canonised a saint, nine years ago this month

The steps taken in canonising Padre Pio

Paul VI said of Padre Pio that he “bore the wounds of our Lord”

Ah, but might Ann Widdecombe give a speech at the protest march?

Will your name be on the petition handed to Downing Street, calling for Pakistani Christians to be protected?

Vatican: Artists to honor Pope's 60th ordination anniversary with 60 works

The enemy is from PEeP? And who can be Christian enough for Westminster Central Hall?

The Cancelled PEeP talk – the Cork connection

Is it a good idea to publish comments from someone who believes they may be the ‘Second Coming’?

Padre Pio's cured the son of a Vatican ambassador...

St Anthony's Story

St Anthony finds tea in Spain…

St Anthony, patron of lost things...

St Anthony Exhibition…

Camping in front of Santiago de Compostela's Cathedral….

Over eleven times the population of Ireland has been lost in abortion in the US, in the last 38 years

A new documentary on saintly Fr John Lee, with an appearance of my ugly mug to be on Korean TV

Humanae Vitae...

Padre Pio's letter supporting Humanae Vitae, perhaps the most controversial encyclical ever, released 43 years ago this summer

Cardinal Burke and Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice's invisible ‘enemies’: are Pro Ecclesia their own worst enemy?