I had the honor of being a guest on the TAN Roundtable podcast. I held forth on the first time Padre Pio appeared to me and why it was on the cover of a TAN book that I first saw Pio in a “normal” way and was able to put a a face to the Franciscan friar who came to me.

T’was Father Carty’s Padre Pio, The Stigmatist and here is my copy. Had I not seen this book when I did, my introduction to Pio would have been delayed by some years.


  1. Dear Mary,
    Thank you for sharing the roundtable discussion. It was so lovely to hear you speak and share your holy encounter with Padre Pio. You are a woman of great courage. I will pray God to grant me more bravery in sharing my faith. Or more willingness to share despite the fear.
    Peace and every blessing

    1. Dear Katherine,

      Thank you so much. You have a sense of mission and a calling, the courage will come. It’s truly a grace that it was given me.

      I believe my strength is a grace from the Sacred Heart, I offer the same novena to Jesus’s Heart that Pio offered everyday.


      Yours in Christ, Mary

  2. I went to Italy and visited San Giovanni Rotundo with my church. I went into the museum. It was so crowded with visitors I could only shuffle along. I found myself in front of Padre Pio’s old confessional. I thought to myself, ‘I will make my confession silently.’ As I thought the words ‘Father forgive me…, ‘ I felt a hand on my shoulder and a voice said out loud, “Father forgive me for I have sinned.” I turned to see a priest. I felt as though I had been struck by lightening.

  3. My 9 year old was very interested in your story about Padre Pio appearing. Thankyou for sharing the video. Love to hear stories of the saints. And I am amazed to hear you now live in California. Don't bend your marvellous Irish accent too much

    1. Thank you so much, I hope you and your 9 year old may read my book together, there is a lot that is good for a child’s soul in Pio’s story. May Pio become a lifelong intercessor for your child.

    2. Thank you so much for sharing your first encounter with Padre Pio! I am a Catholic woman on the East Coast (USA) who has read almost every book about him to the point the stories are just repeating over and over. I just cannot wait to read your upcoming book for some fresh new stories! I cherish every word Padre Pio says … If you would be willing to share your later encounters with Padre Pio on this blog or a video, I would be so thankful!
      If you are ever on the East Coast you may want to visit the national Padre Pio museum (www.padrepio.org). Ok, keep up your wonderful blog!

    3. So lovely of you to leave this exceptionally generous comment, thank you so much!

      You are clearly a daughter of Padre Pio, living on the East Coast, the same place where his father worked so as to pay for Pio's seminary tuition. You live in land that was blessed by the footsteps of Grazio Forgione. Pio always had a special love of the Americans who were so good to his Papa.

      I think my book will really come together in the next few months. That is my hope. I am plumbing the depths of Pio's advice on salvation, and I've had a leading from the Holy Spirit to make it the heart of the book; how Pio's life and mission and especially his words inform our salvation, and our escape from the devil, the flesh and the world so that we please God in this life and spend eternity with Him in the next.

      Please pray for me, and I for you, you have a very generous spirit.

    4. Padre Pio’s father’s presence in this country back then truly does create a special connection to the Italian saint. It sounds like your book will provide valuable guidance to all of us striving to navigate the narrow road and grow closer to God. Considering Padre Pio’s profound unity with Christ, the saint would surely have had profound insights into the ways of salvation and sanctification. Prayers for you as you determine the best ways to present your findings on this topic!


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