My Dearest Readers,  Recently, I had to attend to some health issues and so my posts have been fewer. Soon, I am due to have some surgery done (I would be so grateful for your prayers), and will be recovering from the procedure for at least some days. I hope to return to writing regular posts as soon as possible. 

God bless you all. Be assured of my prayers for you during my convalescence. 


  1. Hi Mary,

    I read your blog occasionally and it is very interesting and I meant to reply back to a post I saw a few months back on fasting and sacrifice. I would highly recommend the following books on healing about this man John Gillespie, who is since deceased, but had an extraordinary healing ministry.

    The books are: 'The Miracle Ship' by Brian O'Hare; 'The Key to Powerful Prayer' by John Gillespie and 'Man of Miracles' by Liam McGinley: Lulu Press. In the last book ‘Man of Miracles’ John Gillespie talked about blockages to healing and that one was that people were ‘offering up’ pain and suffering as a sacrifice to God or for a particular cause, and it was stated in the book that Jesus was the Ultimate Sacrifice, which was sufficient in itself. He advocated against ‘offering up’ in this book and instead people needed to use their authority and tell whatever it was ‘pain, sickness, disease etc’ to get out in Jesus Name. There are many stories in the book about healing and barriers to healing and they are absolutely fascinating. I will indeed say a prayer for you and wish you a speedy recovery.

  2. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  3. Praying for your health Mary. Every day!

  4. Get well soon. We will pray for you definitely

  5. My prayers Mary for your healing. Stumbled on your blog while googling Padre Pio's miracles! Thank you for what your ministry.

  6. Mary, I will keep you in my prayers. I have enjoyed reading your blogs. God bless you. 🙏

  7. Praying for you, Mary! God bless you!

  8. Keeping you and your sublime work in prayer and Rosaries -- that you heal well and quickly and continue on ...

  9. "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." 3 John: 1-2

    God bless you, Mary!

    Pax et bonum,


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