Beauty begets beauty... an expression I crafted nearly a year ago when I was writing my piece on Our Lady of Siluva for The Mass of Ages.  Since the article was published I have heard 'beauty begets beauty' repeated back to me by my readers and friends. 

Whether or not it will catch on as a catchphrase in the wider cosmos I don't know, but among a few earnest souls I hear it used passionately as a byword for a wider, global movement part of the restoration of Mother Church whereby 'beauty begets beauty' means actively discriminating against the unsightly in favour of beautiful Sacred Liturgy, facilitated in beautiful architecture, with beautiful sacred music and art so as first and foremost to honour Our Lord, in a progression where that which is truly beautiful is then matched or bettered by something else truly beautiful, and this process is repeated again and again.  

I believe we are coming out of the post Vatican II era where ugliness unified ugliness.


  1. hello to you, I stumbled over you when I clicked on a Padre Pio piece somewhere else, no email for you, so forgive me if I post. I am in the middle of writing a story about a stolen icon, so the picture above caught my attention. We could natter for hours, my own family is from Kerry by the way, though this generation is in Birmingham. you can find me via "michaelgcasey" I'm the fat and silly one, not the Dublin guy, nor a monk called Michael Casey either. You can find Padre Pio and Me on the internet. And yes, I too call myself a writer.
    Michael Casey

    1. Very best to you, Michael, as you write your story about a stolen icon.

    2. Two year later still writing bu Tinnitus is killing me anybifeas or prayersc would be useful otherwise i suppose its good for my humility

    3. Dear Michael, I assure you of my prayers for you. I'm so sorry you have tinnitus. May you get a special healing so you can continue your writing. Thank you for letting me know you're still writing this. Like the best wine, good writing takes time. God bless you and yours

  2. "Beauty begets beauty" has been around for a long time. I have been saying it my whole life since hearing it from older folks in southern Texas back in the 70's.

  3. I am still on pain in fact it is even worse and Tinnitus is enough to make Putin jump mp out of window in his Red SQUARE appointment's but The Rosary has saved me My writing is read in 162 places but one is enough if she answered my pleas Mary save me

    1. Dear Michael, I am so terribly sorry you are in such dire pain. May Our Lady relieve you of all your torments. You are so wise to trust in her intercession by way of saying the Most Holy Rosary.


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