Please feel free to join in the Novena to the Holy Face, starting on February 24 and ending on Shrove Tuesday or "Fat Tuesday". My personal intention is for graces in giving up my vices and sins. Please feel free to leave a comment with your intentions, that everyone else may pray for you, and God bless you abundantly. Day 1 : The Holy Face at Bethlehem In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Opening Prayer: Lord, I desire to seek thy Face; do not Thou repel me far from it on account of my sins; do not remove Thy Holy Spirit from me. Let the light of Thy Face shine upon me ; teach me in the way of Thy commandments. Enter into the grotto at Bethlehem, consider the new born Child, laid in the cradle, wrapped in poor swaddling clothes. Mary and Joseph stand before him and contemplate him. You also gaze upon his sweet and radiant Face. It is the Face of the Emmanuel, of the Son of God with us; of the most beautiful of the children of men. ...