"J" was a young man who died in regrettable circumstances. He suffered from dire depression and he initiated his own death. But it is believed he repented on the brink of losing his life.  I believe he is a Holy Soul for this reason: he was a relative of someone I know, and it is not common knowledge he started the process to end his own life, but I was inspired again and again to pray for him and he was presented to me as a man who had given into despair and had taken steps to die by his own hand, and when I asked his relative, she agreed that it was true he had tried to end his life, but she was taken aback that I would know.  I think the reason I know is because "J" is a Holy Soul who inspired me to pray for him.

Please pray for "J".  The Traditional Latin Mass will be offered for "J" on November 27th 2019, at my request.  May I request you offer your prayers in union with the Holy Mass being offered for him?


  1. I said a prayer for his soul and offered my sufferings today for his soul.

    1. Thank you very much for your generous prayer and offering for J. Tim, may you be rewarded.

  2. I will remember "J" at this Sunday 's Div6 Liturgy. God rest his soul.

    Mary, do you keep the old Irish custom of saying prayers for the dead every time you go by a graveyard? It is one of the few customs left in my family directly attributable to our days in Ballycastle in Antrim.

    1. We drove by a graveyard two days ago, and I prayed for the Holy Souls while we passed, so I do keep this custom, but need to do so more diligently. I am so glad it is a custom kept alive in your family. God bless you and yours.

      James, Thank you very much for your generosity in praying for J at Holy Mass.


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