Pio always set his alarm clock for 2:30 or 2:40 a.m. and then he did lengthy preparation. The other friars saw him moving the rosary beads between his fingers as he walked to the sacristy so he could vest. Then a deathly solemnity overcame him because on that altar, Pio was about to be crucified and die mystically. After he had hung the sacred vestments from his shoulders and as he walked into the chapel, he prayed the Miserere, and in a low voice he begged God for mercy and that he be washed of his sin. With slow, unsteady steps, Pio climbed to the altar as though he were climbing the rock-road to Calvary. As with every Mass Pio offered, his true character shone through more so than any other time. Pio read the Epistle and the Gospel extremely calmly; Christ’s peace infused every word that Pio said so delicately. No one could accuse him of being angry, as they so often did. At times his head twitched as though he were being bothered by invisible pests; most likely demonic attack. Pi