My Beloved Friends, Please find the prayer below, that we may offer everyday from October 15 to October 24 (the feast day of St Raphael), for any personal or public intention or we may pray for a particular individual. I had this prayer answered. Raphael means "God has healed". Many people offer it for healing. Feel free to leave a comment with your intentions that others may pray with you. 

Glorious Archangel Saint Raphael, 

great prince of the heavenly court, 
you are illustrious 
for your gifts of wisdom and grace. 
You are a guide of those who journey 
by land or sea or air, 
consoler of the afflicted, 
and refuge of sinners. 
I beg you, 
assist me in all my needs 
and in all the sufferings of this life, 
as once you helped 
the young Tobias on his travels. 
Because you are the medicine of God, 
I humbly pray you to heal the many infirmities 
of my soul and the ills that afflict my body. 
I especially ask of you the favor 

(Make your request here...)

and the great grace of purity 
to prepare me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Raphael, 
of the glorious seven 
who stand before the throne of Him 
who lives and reigns, 
Angel of health, 
the Lord has filled your hand 
with balm from heaven 
to soothe or cure our pains. 
Heal or cure the victim of disease. 
And guide our steps when doubtful of our ways.

The picture, The Archangel Raphael and Tobias that accompanies this post was executed by Titian and is in the public domain. There is also the Litany to St Raphael that hails him as being, "endowed with the grace of healing."


  1. Yes, let us pray for healing. I will join you in this.

  2. For physical, mental and financial healing please Amen

  3. Thank you for this. Praying for healing of depression and anxiety 🙏

  4. That our family experience “new life” in many ways and instances!

  5. Thank you. Pray for healing of intrusive thoughts and fears, that all of our children may also be rescued from this.

  6. Please pray that Saint Rapheal will intercede for me for a miraculous cure from
    serious sickness! In Jesus name!

  7. Family healings,w/l spiritual, emotional, physical, Special Intentions,Thank You

  8. I am starting late. Just saw tjis. 🙏 healing of self and family wounds

  9. Heal my wife Pamela from all her ailments. thank you.

  10. Pray for the healing of my family.

  11. Pray for healing of Osteoarthritis. For my son’s healing of depression & anxiety. In Jesus’ name. Amen 🙏

  12. Hi, I'm joining your novena a couple days late, but will make up the extra days on the back end. I wanted to ask your thoughts on my Angel story. I was in Kauai, Hawaii 14 years ago and was hiking a challenging trail 4 miles up to a waterfall and then 4 miles back. There is no cell reception, no help and it's very rugged terrain. I was with my wife. As we got close to the top, i fell in the river waist deep and it was cold. when i got out I started to hyperventilate and thought i was having a heart attack. I couldnt go to the top where the waterfalls were. but my wife did. On the 4 mile return back to the bottom, it was hot, tiring and we realized we hadn't packed any water or food. I was worried i might have a heart attack or dehydration. So i started praying the rosary. My wife isnt Catholic. We were about 2 miles from the bottom when we saw two people ahead of us on the trail. One was a man with long blonde curly hair helping an older lady. It was so very odd because she was over weight and in her 70's and couldnt walk by herself across the jagged rocky path. He literally picked up a foot at a time and place it on the next step. I was shocked and confused. How could they have possibly made it up this far? How are they ever going to get back in time. It was almost dusk! As we approached them, they both stopped moving stood up and smiled at us as we passed them, they both said. "Keep up the good work. Your going to be fine. Your doing a great job". The blond haired man had the bluest eyes i've ever seen and I couldnt tell his age. he looked young but seemed mature. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Also why was this older woman encouraging me how could she be encouraging me?. it's almost like she knew i was struggling and her words of encouragement helped but i couldn't help but be worried for them, how they would make it home safely. With all these questions swirling around and confusion at the sight of him placing her foot each step, I couldn't stop and talk to them, i just kept walking. i wanted to stop and see if they needed help, but couldn't. it's like I knew they were safe and didnt need our help. It's like their encouragement pushed me forward. Once we were out of earshot, i said to my wife, "wow, that was so strange, i almost felt like they could be angels." she said she was thinking the same thing. No idea if they made it down, if they were real people or angels. But if they were angels, I'm trying to understand what it all meant. I always believed it was Raphael or Michael. the face, eyes and hair looked just like so many of the paintings i've seen of them. sounds odd because a painting isnt a photo and I doubt the painters had visions of the archangels, but it really did look like the paintings. Anyway, curious if you have any insight or thoughts worth sharing. Who would the lady be? I'm saying the novena in honour of this experience. I need lots of prayers answered and this specific request is a healing from my stroke where i've lost feeling on my right side. And healing from my type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. thank you!

    1. Dear Rob, Thank you so much for sharing this amazing encounter with me and my readers. Wow. I have read over it a few times and think that it was Archangel Raphael that you saw, although we may not know for certain 'til we go to God, but he is the help of travelers and how he assisted that lady seems to be in line with his angelic capabilities. This is for discernment, but perhaps she was a soul in Purgatory who was doing her penance there, or she could have been alive, and had wandered onto the rock-strewn trail and was not able to make her way back without assistance. I'll add my prayers to yours; that you have healing from your stroke and from type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. God bless you and may all the angels continue to watch over you and yours, Mary

    2. Mary, I’m so glad to read your reply. I’m a long time visitor of your blog and appreciate your commitment to sharing your journey and experiences and providing a light towards the path of our Lord. You have a beautiful voice. You touch many lives I’m am certain.

  13. Please prayer for my daughter. Healing from mental illness. Asking that angry voices that torment her will go away. Complete healing and peace.

  14. Praying for healing of osteoarthritis. Praying I don’t need a knee replacement on my right knee. I had one on the left already. Arthritis in My shoulder and my feet thank you. The book of Tobit is one of my favorites.

  15. Pray for healing for me andfamily Amen

  16. Pray for healing for family and me.

  17. Please pray for. My granddaughters mental health. That she stop taking so many pills. And stop her smoking. In Jesus name I pray.

  18. Pray for baby C suffering ezcema, grandmother with Glioblastoma, son with epilepsy, daughter with TBI - Jesus I Trust in You!

  19. Praying for my husband Michael (54years) who has Alzheimer's and heart disease. He had diabetes type 2 but lost weight and it's gone! Also for Helen who has Mast Cell, which causes her to go into anaphylactic shock.She met her husband Scott on an EMTcall when she was stung by a bee.Helen has had quite a lot of brushes with death in her 53 years of life. Helen was Baptized In The Holy Spirit and is on Fire! Daily Mass rosary, and lector and Choir and recently Bells! Pray my Michael will come back to the Faith with my daughters and grands,also Josh, Mariyah and Tim. God Bless You

  20. Praying Dear Raphael for a return to the faith of my adult children their spouse and especially my little grandchildren. Also for my wife and my spiritual, physical and emotionally struggles, in my case for OCD/Scrupulosity and to practice what my spiritual director instruct me to. Prayers for all priests and especially those who counsel the scrupulous.

  21. Please pray that St. Raphael will remove the cataracts from my eyes as he did for Tobit, so that I can drive to visit my daughters, grandchildren and new little great grandbaby!

  22. Well..its better late than never..please assist me in all my needs both spiritual and material..I hv always been devoted to you..Thank you so much St.Raphael.

  23. Praying for complete healing of my broken tibia. My leg strengthen and no more pain

  24. Please pray for my healing and my family’s good health. Thank you

  25. Please pray for my husband Lico has stg 3 liver cancer and suffering chronic pain from his back pain n knee pain. Prayers for the conversión of all our families. Prayers for MaryE. Emily n William all in need of healing. Susanna in need of spiritual healing. All in need of physical healing n mental .

  26. Praying for Brooke & Baby to be delivered on October 25th.Baby is small(4lbs). Brooke had cramps & is still having them. Jesus Mary And St Joseph Be with them.St Michael The Archangel Protect & Defend Brooke & Baby

  27. Please pray for Nina and Steph to come to know the love of God, return to the sacraments and be healed asap!

  28. Cheryl's intentions all of them

  29. Praying that my husband will be healed of his eosinophilia and Lymphoma. Also healing for my son with schizophrenia.

  30. Please pray for my daughter's mother-in-law. We have been praying to Blessed Frederick and have just seen this web site. She needs a real miracle. Please God, Blessed Mother, Holy Souls and all the Saints. Help her PLEASE!

  31. Please pray for the conversion of my children and grandchildren. Please pray that God will send good people into their lives to help them on their journey. Please pray for my grandson, Connor, who will be going to China after Christmas with his college classmates. Pray for their safety. Archangel Raphael, pray for us.


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