When I was growing up in County Cork, I was very aware of a rivalry between my people and the people of a neighboring shire, County Kerry. I used to hear the older folk say with chagrin, "You can never trust a Kerryman...they can charm you into anything." Perhaps there was a certain envy for the Kerry people's softer lilt, their gift of the gab and charm that was suspected to be superior. 

This was in my thoughts as I studied the life of Malachi Martin, who was born in Kerry in 1921. Despite his controversies, I trust this Kerryman. While we were born in the same province of Munster, I never met him and I was fifteen when he died in 1999. July 23 marks the 100th year anniversary of his birth.

Martin trained as a Jesuit in old Catholic Ireland, and later he described the rigors of his seminary days: when he arrived they confiscated his Brill cream hair gel and cologne and fashioned his will til he obeyed without question. A first-class scholar, he went on to get three doctorates, develop fluency in eight languages and was an expert in Semitic handwriting from the time of Abraham. 

In his 30s, he became a professor at the Pontifical Biblical Institute and acted as Cardinal Augustin Bea's private secretary, a role he held for six years, from 1958 to 1964. During this heady time, Martin said he read the Third Secret of Fatima and came to know the major players who orchestrated the changes which ravaged Mother Church. 

In an interview with Bernard Jansen, Martin revealed a telling incident when, during the Vatican Council, Cardinal Bea came to Martin's room in some distress and was anxiously sweating. "He never sweated," commented Martin, but Bea had just overheard Hans Küng saying that unlike the Protestant rebels of old, he and his cohorts were going to stay inside the Church and change it from within. Martin never shared his reaction to Cardinal Bea's unease. Yet the mere fact that he was Bea's close confidante is itself just a bit troubling because Bea was an influential ecumenist, and in the encounter with Küng, Bea was reaping what he had sowed, because Bea had been accommodating of others practicing Protestantism, but he was apparently balking when he saw that it was going to be used to make his own Catholicism unrecognizable from the time before the Council. 

Martin and Bea parted ways and in the mid 1960's Martin left the Jesuits, and went to America by way of Paris. In the coming decades, Martin gave the impression that he had always been an arch traditionalist. To wit, he became a celebrated author who made gorgeously eloquent defenses of the Traditional Latin Mass. He wrote seventeen fiction and non-fiction works, and his novels are prophetic, especially Windswept House with its plot that centers on pressure being brought to bear on a Pope to resign so that a man can be elected Pope who will make liberal changes. Hindsight has proven him right about many important things, too.  

There is, however, a gap in our understanding of Martin's development as a Traditional Catholic. Some investigation needs to be done as to the years before he became an extremely active exorcist who claimed to have done hundreds of major exorcisms and many more minor exorcisms. 

Let me tell you why I think this needs to be done. Martin's past is so mysterious that there was a time when I thought there were two separate authors with the same name because I could not fathom how Martin had written Jesus Now in 1973 and Hostage to the Devil in 1976. I thought they must be two separate people. But no, t’was the same Martin who wrote both books. In Jesus Now, Martin is adamant that there will be no second coming of Christ and he brags about his closeness with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Yet, merely 3 years after Jesus Now hit the shelves, Martin published Hostage to the Devil which has a section where Martin makes sophisticated refutations of de Chardin. 

My contention is that Martin had a conversion between the time he wrote Jesus Now and Hostage to the Devil, and changed from being an admirer of Teilhard de Chardin to being an arch-critic of the aquiline-nosed French Jesuit. Furthermore, I submit that he wrote himself into Hostage to the Devil as "Father David," a professor of paleontology who has allowed himself to be owned by de Chardin’s false constructs of Christ, and who must submit to an exorcism before he can himself perform exorcisms. A few biographical similarities between Martin and Father David are in themselves overwhelming.

Father David must free himself from de Chardin's - and thus, Satan's - influence over him, he learns the hard way that his total acceptance of de Chardin's dangerous reduction of the Person of Christ means that he does not have sufficient faith to call on the power of Christ to exorcise a young priest. 

The first time Father David tries to exorcise the young priest, the demon speaking through the young priest taunts him, “You have adopted the Lord of Light, like I have, you old fool! Physician, cure yourself!” When Father David is at a loss as to how to continue the exorcism, the demon mocks him, “And you were trying to exorcise me?” 

Only after Father David rejects de Chardin's heretical or even diabolical teaching that Christ is merely the pinnacle of man's evolution, can he successfully perform the Rite of Exorcism where he must not rely on his own power, a mere man, but that he must rely solely on Christ to drive out the demon. 

To cast Christ as the omega point, He who is the best creation of an evolutionary process, is still to emphasize his humanity over his divinity, and in some ways this is most deadly for a priest because it is all too easy for a priest to see himself as a man like Christ, but just lower down the scale from Christ; when in actual fact the priest has to invoke Christ's authority as Savior of mankind in order to expel a demon. 

If Martin was really writing about himself, he employed some heavy disguise, and certainly the elements of a composite are present. But nonetheless as in Father David's case, it would appear that Malachi Martin was cleansed of his infatuation with de Chardin by the way of performing exorcisms and realizing that to rely on the Christ figure that de Chardin created in his mind will not drive out a devil, because no man, however great, has Christ's power over devils which comes by way of His Divinity.

Were I to explain to my fellow Corkonians why I am a fan of this Kerryman, I'd concede that Martin was a world-class talker who was extraordinarily charming. But he spread his charm a bit too thick at times, and it gave the impression he was compensating. Also, he was good at using his charm to evade the hard question that would make his life intelligible for the people who live now and will come after us: Did his own conversion come about through battles with the demonic that convinced him of the Divinity of Christ as Lord of Lords who has dominion over all? 

I wrote this column for The Latin Mass Society Magazine Summer 2021 edition. You may read the entire magazine here


  1. Excellent article! Thank you.
    I want to believe that Fr. Malachi was a true son of the Church, pointing out its errors following Vatican II in order for clarity to overcome the confusion sown by the documents.

    1. Thank you, Bubby, for your generous comment. I, too, want to believe the best about Fr. Malachi.

    2. Mary, have you ever read about Fr. Martin being made a cardinal in the past?

    3. Who was the priest that had been given special dispensations and authority to investigate particular corruption at the Vatican?
      I just recall the story,but forget the cleric.

    4. Dear Samuel, No, I have not read about Father Martin being made a cardinal, but he may have been lended certain duties from Cardinal Bea. If I read that anywhere or find out from someone who knew Father Martin, then I'll let you know.

    5. Dear John Francis, Sorry, I'm coming up empty on that one.

    6. Mary, here is the link i recently heard about Malachi Martin being made Cardinal:

    7. it's a long video but you can begin to find it just after the 10 minute mark

    8. Dear Samuel, Thank you so much. I'll check it out. It is always great to have as much on Father Martin as possible. May you be blessed and rewarded.

  2. I make no judgement on Malachi Martin. However, I do not trust a priest who says he has to leave the active priest hood for any reason, persecution, etc. I also personally communicated directly with Malachi Martin regarding a priest who was de-frocked by John Paul ll. Martin defended this priest telling me he was being persecuted for his holiness. The priest was named Fr. Anthony Cipolla - a child molester. Pray for his soul. Amen.

    1. Thank you very much for your brave comment. Yes, while I have a love for Malachi Martin, I acknowledge with you that he was fooled by Anthony Cipolla. In an interview with Bernard Jansen, Martin launches an impassioned defense of Cipolla, see this interview at the 49:40 minute mark

      But thanks to the extraordinary efforts of Randy Engel who investigated the crimes of Cipolla, much is known about the real Cipolla who was a most Machiavellian molester:

      I am sorry you had a correspondence with Father Malachi Martin where he defended Cipolla. I think I would have been fooled by Cipolla, too, such was his charm and cunning. You are charitable in your request that prayers be offered for Cipolla's soul.

    2. Well I was NOT fooled by Cipolla and let my dear friend Mrs Engel know the same . Randy mentioned me in her excellent expose on Cipolla after I tracked down the mother of two of his victims and connected Randy with her. A TLM pastor in a parish I belonged to years earlier had asked me to take Cipolla out to lunch and return to report any impressions I had of him . I returned and recommended he never be allowed access to children. He refused to hire him as a Catechist which was what Cipolla had requested.

      Randy's expose on Cipolla was read aloud at the PA Grand Jury investigation and the mother of the victims who testified told me she was surprised to see that every Juror was weeping, even the males.
      She was also surprised to be told that Cipolla's little black Dr's bag
      ( used for nefarious pedophile sodomite purposes) also contained information on her youngest boy whom I believe was four at the time and who Cipolla had not yet gotten his hands on. Her two older sons , now grown men, were also flown out to testify against Cipolla.
      I can say without any reservation that Randy Engel is one of the MOST
      upright people I have ever met since for years we had a difference of opinion about Cipolla.
      I also personally knew Malachi Martin who incidentally , told me he was never a primary Exorcist but only an Assistant at the Rituals.
      We communicated by phone and letters however, I ended the friendship after he requested we meet between NY and my home in southern NJ.
      My decision to cancel the meeting was based on Marin's close friendship with a Fr Fiore whom I personally distrusted despite the many praises he received publicly . Why?
      One reason was that Malachi assured me his last book was complete and went to his publisher the previous December when we spoke in March prior to his death, perhaps by a year as well as I recall. I was anxious to inform him about Maciel and his Legion of Christ which had not yet become public knowledge.
      Several people had confided to me their children and brothers were abused in the Legion. At the time Fiore was praising the Order.
      Years later a friend , at my request, called Lyla Karpf , Martin's Publicist after Fiore had publicly stated that he was editing
      Malachi's last book "That he never finished.....".
      If Malachi Martin was to be believed , Fiore was lying.
      I was told by my friend that Ms. Karpf sounded extremely nervous and kept repeating it was just like Fiore had said that it was never finished and "...there is nothing more to read that he wrote."My friend said the woman ,"...sounded almost panicked."
      I firmly believe Malachi Martin did complete , "Primacy" and Fiore made sure it was never published and several clerics also privately agreed with me.

    3. Thank you so much for your comment.

  3. A great piece of detective work, and works very well. I, too, was/am a fan of Malachy Martin and loved the article. I once saw him at a lecture about Padre Pio. I was sitting alone in the last row of a cozy auditorium in Manhattan, and he was standing at the aisle seat, focused on the speaker on stage (The Duchess of St. Albans, about her book Magic of a Mystic.) One could feel the intense listening from Malachy Martin. But afterall, Padre Pio fought demons and devils. And was a deep and unmistakable mystic.

    1. Dear Jeanette, I love your comment and was so happy to hear you spied Father Malachi in the flesh at a talk in Manhattan. Father Malachi was very devoted to Padre Pio, in fact I think Pio interceded a lot for Malachi.

  4. Very interesting article..thank you Mary.

  5. Worrying. I worked in a Catholic school once and in the staffroom was a huge poster with a quote by de Chardin. We have been well and truly infiltrated by gnosticism and Aryanism.

  6. Mary, between Hostage to the Devil and Windswept House, Father Malachi hit it on the head. Because he was Irish, his way of communicating may have thrown some people off. Here in America, we want things straight to the point, just the bottom line. However, things in spiritual life are rarely two-dimensional. A corrupt or misguided Pope Francis if today might indeed become the martyred bishop in white of the Fatima 3rd secret. If Father Malachi's books did nothing else, his writings got all of us thinking and asking what is truly going on in the Catholic Church. Thank you for raising up his spirit again.

    1. Dear David,

      Thank you for your well-reasoned comment. I concur that Father Malachi achieved something special with his books, and he may be further vindicated yet.

  7. My Irish family stems from his era. I find your post fascinating because I am bad at character study, (1), and I want to believe in any conversion, especially later in life (2). I don't know that I'll ever develop those missing traits (both related to some gullibility I suppose) but I will enjoy reading your take on the situation! Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. Good to know, Mary Kay, that your Irish family stems from the time of Father Malachi, which was an excellent vintage.

  8. Windswept House remains one of the best books I have ever read on what has happened to our faith, the attack from within the Church. For me personally, it explained so much especially the ongoing apostasy. Malachi Martin was warned against writing the Jesuits by his own family in Kerry and the attempts to tarnish his character never stopped after that. I have listened to so many of his talks again over the last 14 months and find them to be prophetic for our times. Dr Taylor Marshall did a hatchet job on Malachi Martin about a year ago which I found very disappointing and inaccurate from my point of view.

    1. Dear Angeli, Thank you so much for your comment. Father Malachi was a superb writer and Windswept House is perhaps his magnum opus. While Dr Marshall has done a lot of good, I have thought for a long time that his lowest point was his video with Timothy Gordon on Father Malachi where they repeated old canards at the expense of an erudite discussion where they could have looked at how the deeper plots of Father Malachi's novels are unfolding before our eyes.

  9. Thank you Mary.
    I'm of the opinion that Fr Martin,who received permission to dispense with two of his vows, but kept Chastity and his Priestly Mission.
    Believe this was deep undercover work.
    Remember that at a talk he said I value my kneecaps, "I'm not kidding".
    In the end he was likely pushed into a fall that injured him, leading to his death.
    Our Lady of Fatima, please defend us.

  10. I listened to all his radio interviews on you tube ,he came out with some pretty disturbing statements ,that would be shocking coming from a Christian,never mind a priest.Its also a mystery why his housekeeper is buried beside him and not her husband.A complex man ,only God knows the truth.

    1. He said disturbing things because the reality of evil he described is profoundly disturbing.

  11. Through the years and from what I have read, I never ever put a priest on a Pedestal. My view is that a priest is not a demi god and he is as human as all , just that he chose to serve God but at the same time one must not forget they are as human as others and may fall as many cases have shown.

  12. To John Francis, yes I also believe he was attacked by a Demon and that caused the fall that ultimately ended Fr. Martin's life. We had a friend in common who visited him very soon after the fall and he told her quite clearly he "was pushed" , he didnt just trip etc, it was deliberate.
    I miss his wit and humor, I felt someone rummaged through his apartment and took writings and that the so important final book was deliberately maligned and destroyed by the Enemy.

    I will celebrate his 100th birthday, and make others aware of it and ask for prayers for him and for Benedict xvi whom I believe is still legally and morally our legitimate Pope.

    God help us all.

    1. I, too, will celebrate his 100th birthday. Thank you for your comment and for telling me and my readers that you had a friend in common with Father Martin who reiterated something that he said to others, that he was pushed, that it was a physical attack made on his person.

  13. Have read 'Hostage to the Devil" numerous times. IMHO it is the best thing ever written on possession; 1) possessed must consent 2) the intense personal hatred of the enemy.
    Have read "Jesuits" - exhausting detail of the heretical dissolution of the Jesuit order starting 150 years ago with Irish convert priest George Tyrell and then further instigated by de Chardin who tried to mimic 'evolution' into a 'spiritual' development of mankind to replace the Divinity of Christ.
    MM was still sympathetic to the 'genius' de Chardin and posited that he may have repented before his death.
    Have read several other books by MM and I have no doubt of his intense love of the Catholic Church - no matter his human flaws.
    I enjoyed his debunking of Jersuitism and de Chardin and he was the first author to call out Antonio Gramsci for me - a most importatnt and overlooked spear of Satanic influence in our lives.Thanks for your article.
    I do not know much about Padre Pio - some of it makes me nervous - stigmata - trans location - talking to angels - so I look forward to your book - and especially for the tie in with MM whom I have grown to trust.
    God bless you and Peace Be With You. FreemenRtrue.

    1. Thank you so much for your detailed comment.

      My book on Padre Pio, Padre Pio and You does not have a tie-in with Father Martin, but I may write about Father Martin's devotion to Padre Pio if I can find reliable sources and information.

  14. A 'gentleman' operating AngelQueen site years ago also was in his prime uttering every kind of negativity about MM he could find. That kind of vitriol signals to me a radical departure from any type of truth about one man. One who came to MM's defense was a poster by the name of Gerald who was heroic in his efforts to defend him. We're talking more than 10 years ago now so this view of MM is still roaming the net. That kind of sway MM holds is astounding and amazing.

    PS. Mary, are you in any way related to Emmitt?

    1. Dear Samuel, Yes, Father Martin still has a remarkable ability to influence others and this alone provokes jealousy in lesser lights. No, I am no relation to Emmitt.

  15. What's with Malachi Martin, SJ dressed as a Monsignor? Was it from his time as Cardinal Bea's secretary, a "temporary prelate" position? Religious don't usually end up so vested unless there's a good reason.

    1. Dear Father Mike, I think it is because while Father Martin trained in Dublin, he was ordained in Rome, or at least this is what I have heard. Priests who are ordained in Rome have the special privilege of dressing as a monsignor. I need to verify that Father Martin was ordained in Rome, but I believe it was the case.

    2. There are creditable stories that MM was consecrated a bishop and sent behind the Iron Curtain to set up an underground Church in Russia. This was evidently kept very quiet. I have several books which detail that someone in the office of then Cardinal Montini who was then Secretary of State was a Soviet spy and betrayed the network. That is evidently why Pius XII fired him from that position and exiled him.

    3. Dear JBQ, Thank you so much for your fascinating comment. Would you be so kind as to leave a further comment with the names of the books you mention?

  16. I think it was an interview on the "Paranet Continuum" radio show, that Father Martin confessed the great difficulty he had in changing his writing style from James Joyce influenced to what was published in his novels. Probably the James Joyce period coincided with the de Chardin. "Windswept House" written in a "Ulysses" style, now that would be interesting.

  17. I assume you’re talking about hostage to the devil. Obviously you only read a few paragraphs. If you had kept on reading, you would have seen that MM was against what Teilhard believed. I’m so sick of people bashing Fr. Malachi Martin, when they don’t know what they’re talking about!

    1. No, I'm talking about two different books; the first is Malachi Martin's 1973 book, Jesus Now, in which he develops de Chardin's theories and brags about his association with him, and secondly Martin's 1976 book Hostage to the Devil where one of the priests has to loose himself from his soul's bondage to the false construct of Christ that he adopted from de Chardin. My theory is that Martin was that priest and the process of conversion happened between Jesus Now and Hostage to the Devil.

      Just because I put forth a theory to explain the change in Martin from being in favor of de Chardin to being against him does not make me a basher, rather I am a fan of Martin and wish to know his soul's journey better.

    2. I see my reply didn't pass Moderation. How about if I just say this: Martin was a double agent on the payroll of the traditional enemies of Christ & His Church, employing limited hangout to deflect attention from what really happened in the Church, a good example being his limited hangout in Keys of This Blood re- Siri's election in 1958.

    3. Darrell, For now I will only publish the above comment from you regarding Malachi Martin. This could potentially be calumny and I can't facilitate that on my blog, especially when you may consider that people have an interest in discrediting Martin because he was right. I am waiting for the book from Bob Marro which may offer a defense of the claims others make about Martin.

  18. Mary, Rob Marro has a book on MM?? Where did you get it from? Would love to read it. Did you see the youtube with Kennedy Hall, Rob and Joe about MM?

    1. Dear Samuel, I don't think Rob Marro has published it yet, and I can't wait to read it! Rob Marro, I believe is getting donations together so that he can publish it in a high quality way.

      I saw the interview that Rob Marro did with Joe McClane, from which this short was made:

      I have not seen the interview that Rob Marro gave on The Kennedy Report.

      When Rob Marro does publish his book - which I'm praying for - I hope to write about it on here. Hopefully my own book will be out by then and my mind will be less addled.


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