In the 1840s Sister Mary of St Peter received revelations from Our Lord specifically on how we may make reparation for the dire sins of blasphemy. She was led by Our Lord to found the Work of Reparation, which would spread by the printing and circulating of pamphlets containing among other prayers The Golden Arrow, and also through the founding of a confraternity of souls who would strive to atone for blasphemy. But just before this little Carmelite nun's mission really got underway where she strove to bring as many sincere souls as possible into the Work of Reparation, Our Lord privileged Sr Mary with great mystical intimacy with Him. 
Our Lord took her soul and placed it in His Sacred Heart. Sr Mary felt her soul leave her body, "I felt my soul deposited in the Heart of Jesus and as though surrounded by the fire of love...my soul felt itself happily lost in God." This moment when her soul was absorbed into the chambers of the Sacred Heart was her essential preparation for her role as one who would make the masses aware of the need to make reparation to the Heart of Jesus so badly wounded by the sins of blasphemy. Our Lord brought Sr Mary's soul into His Heart bruised and beaten by blasphemy and in effect made her experience what it is like to be in the furnace of love, His Heart, and so she came to know that blasphemy is a crime against Love, "the fire of love" that surrounded her soul and she knew the love that blasphemers reject.

And unknown to Sr Mary she was partaking in a mystical union with the Sacred Heart the like of which was given Padre Pio when his heart was taken into the Sacred Heart and the two hearts were "fused", which was Pio's preparation for the invisible stigmata, and which also happened Luisa Piccarreta before she was given her biggest mystical insights.  After Sr Mary's soul was housed in the Sacred Heart, He told her the reason He chose her because she gave herself totally to Him for His designs "I desire to make use of you...because you have offered yourself to Me for the accomplishment of My plans. This offering has won My Heart."

Days after Sr Mary's soul was engulfed in the Sacred Heart, Our Lord inspired her to compose a Chaplet to the Holy Face to be prayed in reparation for the sins of blasphemy.  This Chaplet comprises of 39 beads, of which 33 are small beads and on which is prayed the verse from Holy Scripture that makes the demons fear the most, "Arise, Oh, Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered, and let those that hate You flee before Your Face." On the 6 large beads is prayed the words, "My Jesus, mercy," followed by, "Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be God's world without end. Amen."

After Sr Mary had completed this Chaplet of Reparation, Our Lord appeared to her and presented her with a chaplet made of precious gems strung on a fine gold chain. Sr Mary balked at accepting Our Lord's gift - she said she felt "unworthy" - so she asked the Blessed Virgin to keep this beautiful chaplet for her and place it in her Immaculate Heart. But she begged Our Lord to grant plentiful indulgences to the souls who offer it. This Chaplet of Reparation was the first fruit from the mystical union of Sr Mary's soul with the Sacred Heart, and is thus the first gift of such a union to us, the means by which we may make profound reparation and win many indulgences for ourselves.

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I found one such chaplet, made of gold and garnets (see the photo below) which may be purchased here.  You may read the full account of the revelations given Sr Mary in the book, The Golden Arrow.



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