...on Friday, October 30th. 

I got in touch with Abby via her website to tell her that Holy Mass would be offered for her and she was ecstatic. Earlier this year, Abby and her family started attending the Usus Antiquior, and they were blown away. 

When I heard an interview that Abby gave Taylor Marshall on her love of the Latin Mass, I felt called to request of a holy priest that he offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for her. 

Abby has been a pro-life advocate since 2009 and she became a Catholic in 2012. She had not attended the Latin Mass in the first 8 years of being in the Church, and that which led her to the Latin Mass was that one day she was scrolling through Twitter and saw a post dedicated to the Latin Mass, and she had a moment of realization, "That's what we are supposed to do!" Their first Mass was an awesome Solemn High Mass offered by a newly ordained priest, and even though Abby was unsure as to how to follow the missal, she was, "overcome by the beauty" and also, "overcome by how masculine it felt".

The Johnson family were also very pleasantly surprised by the great welcome they received from the people surrounding them in the pews. Abby and her husband Doug have several small children and they were met by other parents with large broods of children who made them feel right at home.

Of your love, please offer your prayers for Abby and her family in tandem with the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. 


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