John Carmichael, author of Drunks and Monks on The Journey Home

John Carmichael, author of Drunks and Monks on The Journey Home, March 2018. 

 A still taken during the filming of The Journey Home with Marcus Grodi.


  1. This book was one of the great helps in my entering the Church, along with my 16 year old son on Holy Saturday. I devoured Drunks and Monks and recommend it every chance I get to anyone who knows what suffering means, especially men. I hope he continues to write and publish.

    1. Wow, Jim. Congratulations on entering the Church! And congratulations to your son!

      I sent your comment to John Carmichael and he said if you wish to email him about it you may do so:

      May I also suggest you consider leaving a review on Amazon? A review from one who found Drunks & Monks to be 'one of the great helps' in bringing him into the Catholic Church would be a feather in our cap.

      Wishing you all the very, very best.
      In Christ,

  2. Mary

    I gave my copy of Drunks & Monks to a tall guy who pondering being a Catholic. He shows up at Mass on Sundays at my local friary from time to time. God works in mysterious ways. May he help us all now as there's never been a more important time for God's graces and blessings upon us all. ..
    Best wishes


    1. Thank you mightily JM for giving your copy of Drunks & Monks to the tall fellow. I will pray for the tall fellow!


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