Many years ago, quite a troubled young man was seeking my affections. I wouldn't have minded had he just had issues, but he had little of the milk of human kindness and he hated Traditional Catholics, especially women like me who wear veils at Mass. I seem to remember that he was trying to study the Bible. 

So, I kid you not, when I refused to be his Valentine, he said I was the Beast from the Book of Revelation! 

Tis only now, a lifetime later, that I have thought of the comeback, "Sweet guy, I only date my own species."

A very happy St Valentine's Day to all my readers! 


  1. May you have a blessed Valentine's Day Mary, to you and yours! There is a lot to tell you, but suffice to say, I have given my wife and daughters their own box of chocolates and my widowed mother a box of sugar free chocolates.

    Us men are a little thick when it comes to women, and to some degree remain so throughout our whole lives. This is a less on fathers need to teach to their sons, especially the elements of dating and courtship. It is a scared responsibility. The first rule is to be nice to all the girls, not just the "pretty" ones. You may never date them, but you may have to deal with them in a professional, personal, or business setting. It always pays off down the road.

    1. Dear James, your comment cracked me up, and made me giggle so much! Yes, many men remain clueless. But you seem to be doing a fine job in forming your son, James Junior. And you are right that it is a sacred responsibility because all these micro and macro lessons will mean that he will be infinitely better prepared to enter Holy Matrimony, if that is indeed his calling. True, too, that it is best to adopt a gentlemanly and kind disposition to all women, and not let their personal attractiveness dictate the discourse. This is the essence of the Christ-like knight.


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