Concerning Savita's tragic death: 'abortion is not a cure for septicaemia' and the full details of her death are not known. But, certainly comparisons to other countries show the claim made by pro-abortion activists that Ireland is 'backward' on maternal health is at best a limited world-view and at worst a mendacious means of manipulating Ireland

"How then do we explain the sensationalist media coverage of her death?" The argument made in Verita Bella's video is that following Savita's death, there was a well-organised, multi-faceted and expertly timed campaign by abortion activists to harangue Ireland about Savita's death, bring Ireland to her knees and make her change the law of the land and make abortion available.

While Savita's name and face have become the slogan and symbol of the pro-abortion lobby to introduce abortion into Ireland, an objective fact is that Savita is not alive to render a complete account of what she said and did at the time, and so there is a lot of reading between the lines. Words and quotes are being attributed to Savita, and these same select quotes are being used to diagnose her condition and the claim that her life would have been saved had she been given an abortion. In the absence of the full facts surrounding her death, and in the dire denial of the question, 'would Savita want her death to be used in this way?', it has come to pass that Savita's dead body is being used for political purposes.

It is a bit rich of the abortion lobby to scream that abortion gives women control of their own bodies, when they have ideologically appropriated the lifeless, voiceless body of Savita Halappanavar (especially because she will never be able to speak for herself) and used it as an attempt to push through abortion. It is not based on proper and comprehensive evidence, it may not be what she would have wanted and it is using a mother's dead body as property in a campaign.


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