Fascinating video on the Corapi controversy…


  1. Thanks for posting this. This whole thing seems sort of weird to me. I'm trying to just glean whatever info I can.

  2. Has EWTN been infiltrated as the Catholic Church itself has? Something about that Raymond Arroyo has always rubbed me the wrong way and I could never put my finger on it. Now I know what it is, that Raymond Arroyo strikes me as a wolf! How do we know the Lord Jesus Christ isn't using Fr. Corapi, The BlackSheepDog for his divine purposes? Just sayin.

  3. Hi Maria, great to hear from you. Yes, it took me weeks to get to grips with the controversy surrounding John Corapi. He has a lot of burdens at the moment, and I will increase the prayers for him.
    God bless always,

  4. Mary, thank you for helping us DISCERN regarding the Father John Corapi issue -- I am struggling to come to terms with where my conscience, and responsibility is at in this present moment. A quote from St Francis deSales comes to mind; "If an issue is not MORALLY WRONG - then we should be able to give up our way, for the sake of peace, and GOD will fine a way to work through us" -- another issue - relating to Pro-Life, and a Holy man - Father Paul Marx O.S.B keeps coming to mind - He was thrown out of his Abbey for his calling to be a witness to the PRO-Life community. We are all called to the priesthood of Christ, and the Pro-Life people took his cause to ROME - Father Marx was given the permission to leave the ABBEY, and started Human Life INTERNATIONAL - the largest pro-life organization in the WORLD (Planned Parenthoods #1 Enemy)-- We have two generations who have not been taught the catechism of the church, and Father Corapi has provided through the media this void - Where does our Role as the lay branches in the priesthood of CHRIST LIE? -- We here in America have been Apathetic to all the Evil that surrounds us, and Planned Parenthood has taken over the Democratic Party -- makes it almost impossible for any of us who are in the health field (even catholic institutions) to not comprimise our FAITH -- I am a 77 yr old retired RN, and am overwhelmed at times, when I see how fast the CULTURE OF DEATH is closing in on all of us. Thanks for reminding us that the FAITH in IRELAND is still ALIVE! -- Prayers that Mary, and the Holy Spirit continue to be with you.

    In Chris, and His Great Mom, Ellen Gaffney

  5. Apparently my previous comment was not accepted and so I'll attempt post it again...

    For some time there has been something about Raymond Arroyo that just doesn't sit right with me but I just couldn't put my finger on it. After watching this video I think I finally know what it might be. Could it be that ETWN has been infiltrated just as the Catholic Church has? Could it be that Raymond Arroyo is perhaps a wolf in sheep's clothing? I think after watching this video these are appropriate questions to consider. I for one don't see ETWN as the network it used to be especially since Mother Angelica herself has been largely removed from the picture due to her aging and health issues if I'm not mistaken.

  6. Hi Crosshairball, apologies that there was a delay in posting your comments, this was during the time that I was at Mass and meeting friends on Sunday. I find Raymond Arroyo quite a balanced Catholic, who treats the contentious matter of John Corapi with an even hand - not easy!

  7. Dear Ellen, thank you for your very moving and thoroughly interesting comment. God bless you, and many prayers for you, Mary

  8. Sorry Mary, but I disagree. I sense an obvious tone of judgement on Fr. Corapi in this video from Raymond Arroyo, just as I did in your other post, Fr. Corapi vs. Padre Pio, and so many other blogger's posts out there who were so quick to condemn Fr. Corapi. As an American Fr. Corapi has a right to a civil trial. As a freedom loving American priest in the Catholic church I'm not so sure Fr. Corapi has a right to a civil canonical trial. I truly believe and can only hope the Lord is leading him for His purposes. Time will tell. One thing I can say as an American, one is innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.


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