
Showing posts from 2010

Jesus's genealogy and colourful ancestors

If the Three Kings were on Twitter...

Mulier Fortis: Another Neat Christmas Video...

If the Holy Family were using facebook...

Poignant video that may touch the coldest of hearts

Affectionate, warm Padre Pio

ECHR rules: ‘Ireland must enact abortion laws.’ Ireland treated like a badly behaved nation of stupid children who need their laws decided for them.

Baby Jesus was seen to appear in Padre Pio's arms. Padre Pio and Christmas Part Four

Why was Padre Pio thought to be 'in ecstasy' during Christmas time? Part Three

Why was Padre Pio thought to be 'in ecstasy' during Christmas time? Part Two

Next Thursday might just mark the most dismal day in Irish history

Why was Padre Pio thought to be 'in ecstasy' during Christmas time? Part One

Padre Pio: Baby Jesus 'is satisfied with humble and poor adorers'

Padre Pio: the Infant Jesus’ newborn cries were ‘the first ransom for our redemption’

The Little Flower and James Joyce - what do they have in common?

Cardinal Ratzinger, attempted reforms to Canon Law that would have forced local bishops to observe proper juridical procedures against priests accused of abuse

The You-Tube Way to Meditating on the Rosary

Halleluja Chorus - so much better than jingle bells ad infinitum!

Pope Benedict: The Vatican addressed Maciel scandal ‘slowly and late’ and Maciel ‘remains a mysterious figure.’

Extremely Rare Footage of St. Pio. I never wanted this You-Tube video to end.

Alphonse Ratisbonne and the Miraculous Medal. Part Two

Alphonse Ratisbonne and the Miraculous Medal. A ‘test’ that changed his life. Part One

Finding Love on the Internet. "When I saw her on my webcam, I fell for her…"

Padre Pio and the Irish Part Two

Padre Pio and the Irish Part One