Padre Pio’s First Miracle – A burnt face is healed

It was the year 1908, and Padre Pio lived in the monastery of Montefusco. One day, he collected chestnuts in the forest nearby, and sent a bag of chestnuts to his aunt Daria. Daria was very fond of her nephew Pio. Daria received the chestnuts, ate them, but kept the bag as reminder of Pio. Some days later, Daria was looking in a drawer (her husband kept gun powder in this drawer) and Daria used a candle to help her see. The drawer caught fire, and Daria’s face got burned. Taking the bag that Fr. Pio had sent with the chestnuts, and placing it on her face, Daria’s blazing pain disappeared and no wound or burn mark remained.

This account gives us a pleasant glimpse of Padre Pio’s earthly life – the friar who thoughtfully collected chestnuts as a simple gift. He knew of his aunt’s great affection for him, and how she would enjoy the chestnuts. But did he know that an immense cure would be wrought from using the bag? It is to be expected that the friar, who as a child had colloquies with Jesus and Our Lady, would have known that the little chestnut bag would be used to such a marvellous salubrious effect.  
In many ways, this powerful miracle foreshadows the phenomenal healings from Padre Pio's mitt. The bag that had been handled by, Padre Pio, was used to treat a ghastly burn. Now, 102 years later, as Padre Pio intercedes from his heavenly home, his mitt, the humble knitted garment that dressed his pierced hand, may bestow great blessings and graces to those in physical agony.  


  1. Whenever i read about Padre Pio my soul crys for me to become like him...even how he cared for his aunt is so inspiring...


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